These tests provide an in-depth look at what genes and genetic mutations an individual may have inherited, as well as symptoms, risks, and extra requirements. For this test, the inner cheek is swabbed.
Foundation Methylation
- Issues with Fatigue, mood, or sleep
- Neurological Symptoms
- Immune Challenges
- Asthma
- Chronic Infections
- Eczema/Psoriasis
- Auto-Immune Diseases
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Chronic Fatigue
Essential Vitamins
Provides guidance via DNA analysis on what nutrients you may need due to genetic weaknesses.
Chronic Pain
- Arthritis/Joint Pain
- Headaches/Migraines
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Feeling of Pins/Needles
- Fibromyalgia
- Back Spasms
- Stomach Pain
Men's Health
- Fatigue/Sleep Problems
- Weight Gain
- Low Sex Drive
- Male Pattern Baldness
- Abnormal Breast Enlargement
- Testicular Atrophy
- High Blood Pressure
- Loss of Strength
- Currently taking testosterone supplementation
- Autism
- Spectrum Disorders
- Childhood ADD/ADHD
- Cerebral Palsy
- Speech Delay
- Vaccine Reaction
- Family Member Vaccine Reaction
- Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Childhood Epilepsy
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Post-Concussion Syndrome
- Patients Preventing Concussions
- History of Multiple Concussions
- Headache/Visual Changes
- Hyperacusis
- Auto-Immune Issues
- Detoxification Problems
- Neurological Disease
- Cancer
- Complications with Kidney/Liver/Pancreas
Diet & Wellness
- Weight Loss Complications
- Struggle with Exercising
- High Inflammation
- No Weight Loss After Dieting
- Detoxification Issues
- Weight Loss
- Gut Complications
- Immune Weakness
- Skin Issues
- Adult ADD/ADHD
- Headaches/Migraine/Cluster
- Seizure Disorders
- Vertigo/Dizziness
- Bi-Polar
- Neuropathies/Neuralgias
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia/Memory Loss
- Schizophrenia/Psychosis
- Parkinson’s/Gait Disorders
- Anxiety Disorder/Depression
Gastrointestinal (GI)
- Chronic Constipation
- Chronic Diarrhea
- Intermittent Intestinal Pain
- Mast Cell Disorder
- Chronic Reflux
- Recurrent Intestinal Infections
- Numerous Food Allergies
- Recurrent Intestinal Infections
- Numerous Food Allergies
Women's Health
- Irregular Menstrual Cycles
- Weight Gain
- History of Cystic Ovaries (PCOS)
- Hair Loss
- Fibrocystic Breast
- Excess Facial or Body Hair
- Post-Menopausal
- Family History of Hypothyroidism
- Family History of Infertility or Miscarriage
- Family History of Breast/Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer
Pharmacogenomic (PGx)
- Know a patient’s genetic profile on hundreds of prescriptions
- Prescribe the correct drug and dosage by a patient’s DNA
- Protect yourself and practice from poor patient drug interactions
- History of issues with meds
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar Disorder
- Insomnia
- Weight Issues
- Hormone and Adrenal Dysfunction
- Memory Issues
- Migraines
- Headaches
- Family History of Alopecia
- Receive a Personalized Treatment Plan
- Genetic Factors Explanation
- Methylation Abilities and Abnormalities
- Regulation and Production of Neurotransmitters
- Mitochondrial Health
- Body’s Ability to Detox
- Inflammatory Responses and Tendancies
- Health Precautions Regarding Thyroid, Salt Retention, and Blood Pressure
- Estrogen Metabolism
- Measures Genes Involved in the Ability to Detox Anesthesia
- Pain Control/Needs
Personalized weight loss planning:
- Morphological genetics in overweight predisposition
- Behavioral genetics in food intake
- Efficacy of exercise
- Fat metabolism
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Lipid metabolism
- Glucose metabolism
- Flavor sensitivities
- Detoxification imbalances
- Supplementation
- Intolerance
- Vitamin deficiency risk
- Matching Diet Type
- Inflammation
- Hormones
- Acne Predisposition
- Skin Condition & Inflammation
- Pharmacogenetics
- Hormonal Approach
Sports Panel
This test analyzes 300 polymorphisms across Physical, Diet, Injury Prevention, Supplements and Vitamins, and Psychological Factors to optimize athletic performance and minimize the risk of injuries.